
Individual 1:1 sessions

If you feel that you may require more individual assistance or prefer to learn alone (or even as part of a small group of 2 or 3 people), we can offer individual coaching, which can be tailored around your specific requirements.

Individual session times are arranged between the coach and client, and can be organized flexibly on an ongoing basis. Alternatively, a regular time-slot can be booked in advance to provide weekly structure and allow for a more progressive and long-term approach. One-to-one coaching may be appropriate if:

  • you have a very specific target/aim (eg. first triathlon, entered Great Swim series etc.)
  • you are having particular difficulty with a specific area or progress is stalling
  • you prefer a more personal/individual learning environment
  • you have a lack of confidence in ability

One-to-one (or small group) coaching is designed to be flexible and address the needs of the client(s), so exact format and content will be decided in discussion with the coach.

Please contact us if you have any questions and would like to discuss further.

1-1 Coaching

Date: Flexible, to suit client

Location: PaddlePod or Jesmond Pool

Time: Flexible, to suit client

Cost: £35.00 per hour session

To purchase click on shop > coaching

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